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career fields



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Talent, Competence &
Ability Analysis

All participants need different predispositions, competencies and abilities for their success areas and goals in line with their career goals.


Depixen monitors the development processes of

all applicants by analyzing their abilities, competencies and aptitudes, hosts participants remotely

or in the office, allowing them to receive

face to face feedbacks for their projects.

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Technical Development

With its hybrid training method;


Depixen Academy enables participants to

improve themselves by providing the technical equipment they need in line with their career goals and to push their limits by maximizing their productivity.

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Self Assessment

Each participant's learning speed and methods are different.

Depixen Academy aims to build

a development experience in which, the planning

and the methodology entirely depend on the participants.

To provide equality in opportunities, participants who;

are interested in related fields but have not made progress
are determined
possess high learning speed and self-motivation


will manage their own Self-Assessment processes at Depixen Academy.

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Projects that participants will prepare

during the development process;


Participants will achieve the level of experience, competence, knowledge, and skills which

they should have for critical success and career goals.

Competence Development

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The development process is monitored exclusively for the participant, under the mentorship of Depixen.

At Depixen Academy, participants will be able to present their projects and presentations to other participants and provide diversity to their work.

(Student to Student Mentoring)


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Participants will have to multitask during

their development process at the Depixen Academy.


One of the most important achievements of

Depixen Academy is;

To ensure that the participants manage their time effectively and allocate the right time

to the right study throughout the process.

Time Management

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Completing a project in Depixen Academy is

a significant source of experience and

reference for business life.

One-year development in our fast-paced workgroups is at the level of knowledge that can be achieved

in a regular company after many years.

Project Management

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Depixen Academy;


Enables participants to reflect their potential

most accurately with its training and development method to proceed with their careers in various positions where they can provide added value. 

Potential 2 Performance

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