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You are about to apply for a job in a global company that produces and develops its own algorithms and software using new technologies. Please guide us by answering the following questions so that we can evaluate your application correctly.

Please select your educational status.

Please specify the school and department you graduated from or you’re still attending. If you are still a student, please specify the date you will graduate.

From the internship options below, please select the ones that are suitable for you

During this internship, how encompassing would you like your work to be and what are you expecting to learn?

Why is internship important to you?

Please select fields you would like to intern in

If you selected “Other” as your internship field, please clarify.

Lütfen zorunlu/gönüllü stajınız süresince kaç iş günü çalışacağınızı ve varsa belirlediğiniz yarıyıl/zaman dilimini belirtiniz. (Lütfen okulunuzun gönüllü stajı mı yoksa uzaktan çalışmayı mı desteklediğini belirtin.)

Are you applying for an compulsory internship?

"Time" is the most important cost item for the companies in training and implementation processes. The effort to reduce this process is an important indicator of the employee's respect and commitment to his company.
The major proof of this indicator is the effort of project leaders to keep up with the deadline and effort.

For this reason, responsible people who concentrate on their ideals should be selected for high effort companies instead of people who will lower team spirit and motivation with conformist approaches and exhibit conformist approaches after a certain time.

At this point you;

  • Would you be able to adapt to education and production processes that are dependent on high-effort?  Could you define your limits and willpower concerning this subject?

  • Could you put your job at the center of your life and regulate your private life and social environment around it, all the while ignoring negative suggestions against the determination and effort you will dedicate to scaling down your learning curve and improving your efficiency?

Which softwares and tools are you able to use?

What are your hobbies?
(Painting, playing an instrument, music or composition, playing computer games, cooking, reading, etc.)

Which selection below defines your level of knowledgeability in Microsoft Excel the best?

How often do you smoke?


Thank You!

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